
With its experience and extensive knowledge over 20 years, our company offers you the most reliable technology and engineering services. Owing to its investments on R&D and engineering studies and with its over 100 employees today, our company which is growing each day with brave steps is the key power of Turkish industry.

Thanks to successful projects carried out in Turkey and in various foreign countries since its foundation, brands belonging to Mosaş Group have become more common. With its young and dynamic company structure which is open to development and innovation, Mosaş Group always aims to achieve complete customer satisfaction by offering the product and service quality over customer expectations in a 10200 m2 closed area of Konya 4. Organized industrial region. Also; our company has an area in Ankara METU Technopolis region where it carries out R&D studies, software simulation applications, wireless communication and image processing technologies.

With its technical departments and teams, our company fulfills its customers’ project, product, service, maintenance, assembly and repair needs on time and by adhering to quality principles. Mosaş Group with its effective experience and knowledge in the sector, sees the needs and satisfaction of its customers as its most important capital and carries out its works meticulously in this direction.

In the field of weighing technologies Mosaş Group produces truck weighbridges, wagon scales, industrial scales, indicators, load cells, mobile weighing systems with pre-notification, unmanned weighing systems and weighing automations with the brand name of TARALSA.

In the field of transportation technologies, our group produces 5 mm led and power led signal lights, synchronous flashers, intersection control devices, led signaling poles, uninterrupted power supplies for signalization, audible pedestrian warning devices and buttons, smart junction systems with cameras and loop detectors, traffic engineering services, hybrid smart traffic systems, variable message and traffic signs, portable variable message signs, radar speed warning systems, meteorology systems, smart transportation management platforms, simulation programs and automatic level crossing systems.

Moreover, in the field of lighting Mosaş Group realizes the production of solar and electric lighting fixtures. In addition, in the field of steel construction the Group manufactures flag poles, lighting poles, camera poles, signaling poles and various types of constructions.

Mosaş Group has approval documents including TS EN 12368, TS EN 50556, EN 12966, TS EN 45501, TS 13170, TS 12962, TS 13243, TS 12498, TS 12540, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001 and AT Type which are required for its productions without sacrificing quality and continues to grow with the vision of developing qualified local products in line with the target of full customer satisfaction by making important contributions to the country economy.

A technology base

founded on a closed area of 10.200 m2
equipped with new generation test equipments where R&D
studies and productions are performed

At number of 143

staff each are expert in their fields.

93 achieved projects

performed successfully at several cities from Turkey and all over the world
® Mosaş Group Tüm hakları saklıdır.
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