The system aims to have regular and legal transportation at proper weight and dimensions for high weight vehicles like lorries, tow-trucks, tanker, buses, minibuses and vans by means of controls that will be made at modern stations constructed to different regions. System works with integration to Public Authorities information network structure.
Weight and dimension control system with prior notice prevents specially deterioration of roads, wear down of vehicles under over weights and traffic accidents depending on these situations. Other important advantages are prevention of unfair competition and to encourage obeying of rules. In addition to these, vehicles whose weights under are critic level are provided not to enter the control station and keep going so that the jam in road-side stations is resolved. This situation prevents time wasting of drivers and provides fuel savings.
Moreover, for municipalities, heavy vehicles coming from other cities that are over limits of weight and dimension can cause deterioration of inner city roads, damaging of overpasses and traffic accidents. These kinds of irregular vehicles will be prevented from entering the city by mounting this system to city entrances.

System Video
System Components
- Core Hardware (Server, PCs, UPS, monitors and etc.)
- High Speed Weigh-in-Motion (HSWIM) Measurement Unit
- Low Speed Weigh-in-Motion (LSWIM) Measurement Unit
- Dimension Control Unit
- Camera Systems
- Plate Recognition System
- Variable Message Systems
- Control Software

High Speed Weigh in Motion System
High speed weigh in motion system is generally used for prior notice of low speed weigh in motion system.
HSWIM system is consisted of quartz weight sensors placed on the roads which have high stability and endurance, loop detectors, plate recognition systems, variable message systems and control cabinets.
Axle and gross weights of heavy shipping vehicles are detected with high accuracy and summarily and weight and axle numbers/groups information of vehicles can be obtained by this system. So that vehicle types are classified and compared with legal weight limits correspond to those types.
Vehicles that are detected as over weight limits in consequence of evaluation are recorded by means of plate recognition and camera systems. For more sensitive measurement, message of entrance to low speed weigh in motion station placed at roadside is announced on variable message system. On the other hand, message of keep going by not entering to roadside station is announced on variable message system for vehicles that are not over weight limits. So that by allowance of vehicles for keep going, vehicle jam in roadside stations are prevented. This situation prevents drivers’ time wasting and provides fuel savings.
- High sensitivity with %2,3 error rate (Akıncılar WIM Project)
- Quartz technology
- High measuring accuracy
- Long-term stability
- Compatible with OIML R134 (accuracy class D2)
- Wide measuring range
- High speed weighing
- Protected against temperature fluctuations

Low Speed Weigh in Motion System
Weighing system under low speed travel is used at public authorities roadside control stations where high accuracy weight measurements are required. Prior notification system is the supporting structure to low speed weigh in motion system. Low speed weigh motion system can be also used separately indeed.

Axle weighbridge is the unit of low speed weigh in motion system where the axle weights and gross weights of vehicles are determined. Weighing operation is realized automatically while the vehicles are in motion at low speed limits.
Loop detectors, plate recognition systems, camera systems, laser scanners that make sizing, indicators, control cabinets and software components exist in low speed weigh in motion system structure.
Weight, plate number and dimensions of vehicles entered to control station are measured and determined if they are over or below legal limits by means of control software. According to this determination penalty actions are taken automatically against vehicles.