OMMATID Smart Traffic Controller

OMMATID is a smart intersection control device which provides real-time full adaptive control. By providing real time communication with other intersections, OMMATID is capable of giving you the control of many intersections from one center. Thanks to this, you can manage the traffic of intersections and arteries priorly and then traffic of all city in an adaptive way.

OMMATID at where it’s mounted decides in real-time to “which signal head lights will be at which color” without waiting the next phase or period owing to data obtained from Image Processing unit in seconds. Thus OMMATID decreases waiting time in intersections, provides fuel-save and decreases enviromental pollution.

You will feel the difference with


Aesthetic design

Completely industrial hardware

FULLY adaptive

Control and protection plans

Real-Time decision making mechanism

Mathematical models and algorithms

Artificial intelligence

High capable image processing unit

Compatibility with all the traffic sensors and detectors

IP-55 protection class

Climatic cabinet

Management from the traffic control center

Device Hardware Units

Required traffic parameters are obtained at high accuracy ratios thanks to mathematical models and algorithms used in image processing unit.

You can make any changes on the euqipment as you wish and you can view device states by the help of this panel.

This unit has CPU and driver cards inside it which provides electrical communication with other signalization equipments. Besides, it is the field where smart managements are performed.

Provides sending the information of “power cut” and continuity of data transfer without any disruption.

The unit where the cable connections with other devices are made.

Traffic parameters are obtained with inductive detection.

Provides the regulation of electricity coming to device. Besides, inholds units such as fuse groups and electric meters .


ARM-Based Structure

Ethernet, USB

RS-232, RS-485

Real-Time Clock

48 group Management Capacity

3U Rack Size Standard

Detector Card

24 Channel Detection Capacity

Changeable Detection Settings

Real-Time Detect and Watch

6U Rack Size Standard

Driver Card

Malfunction Detection for Each Module

ARM-Based Structure

Real-Time Intersection Simulation

6U Rack Size Standard

Image Processing Unit

Image processing unit communicates directly to traffic control unit with real time outputs it made owing to its high CPU unit and speed.

General Specifications;

  • Diagnosis of moving objects (Vehicle-Pedestrian)
  • Partial occlusion solution
  • Target tracing under deformation of fish eye
  • Counting of Entrances and Arrivals
  • Dimesion based classification
  • Detection of congestion and occupancy
  • Virtual Pan-Tilt zoom
  • Real time data production of adaptive intersection management
  • Production of instantaneous and statistical traffic data
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